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Thursday, June 21, 2007

Login Form :- There are Various Login According to the Department And different Permision Given To different Department Like Sales department Only Add,Edit,Delete Sales Related Data They Can't change another department Data.There are also Admin login he/she can change any data.

Sales And Distribution Department :- When Customer Comes and ask for some product and if product is not available then automatic message generated by the system it's shown the product is not available want to inform inventory department.Because it is duty of inventory department.

Inventory Department :- If inventory department person online then he/she directly get a message from sales department that specific product is not available in product's also show the row material from which that product make.And if person off line then message store in the database and when user login he/she get a message.

Go Down Current Situation :- After The message, system also show the current situation of a raw material in the go down.

After this, system also show the situation of a raw material in the intermediate process.For Example in textile firm intermediate process are Winding,Twisting,Setting And warping.

Situation of a Raw material in Winding Process.

Situation of Raw Material In Twisting Process

Report Include In Project

Daily Report :- Automatic Generated on first Login in a day.It show the number of product sold in last day.

2.Prediction Report
:- It's include pie chart of current stock of Product And
product's Which sold within last 7 day's.So one can easily predicate which
product require in stock.

3.Sold Product Crystal Report
:- It's contain Detail of product with customer name.If one Want to see a specific product name with customer detail he/she can see by select appropriate product selection from combo box.

As ERP Contains large amount of data There are necessary to take backup on daily basic.This Project Contains database in the sql server 2000.So i create an Batch agent for automatic backup on regular interval.

Following coding contain in job schedule

EXEC master.dbo.xp_sqlmaint '-S (local) -U sa -P sa -D WeavERP -CkDB -CkAl -CkCat -BkUpMedia DISK -BkUpDB D:\Backup -BkExt BAK -DelBkUps 2weeks -BkUpOnlyIfClean -Rpt D:\Backup\BackDB_Checks.txt'

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